Happy 2025! LAV is excited for the opportunities that God will bring this new year and we are ever thankful for your partnership with us. One such partnership came about at the end of 2024 when a team of three Singaporean families went on a four-day mission trip to our villages.
They worked alongside our Cambodian volunteers to host a two-day Vacation Bible School and organised an outreach for the parents in Skun. It was an eye-opening experience, especially for the children who experienced God’s working through the team to bless the villagers. Two of the girls, Janelle and Hannah, share their experiences with us:
Reflection on Siem Reap Mission Trip ~~ Janelle, 11
When my mother told me that I would be going on this mission trip, I was excited as it would be my first mission trip and was also the first time I was going to Cambodia. However, I was also nervous as I did not know that there would be translators, so I thought that the language barrier would be a problem.
The people in Skun village (and the people in Cambodia generally) were very friendly and hospitable, despite the hardships that they face in their daily lives. I feel that we have a lot to learn from them, just like how they have a lot to learn from us, in different ways.
When we were there, we held a 2-day Vacation Bible School programme for them. The program was held on 29 and 30 November, a Friday and a Saturday. There were Bible lessons, worship time, games and crafts. During Bible lessons, we taught the children about the creation of the world as most of them are not believers. The teaching was split into four lessons. During worship, we did two songs– He’s got the whole world in His hands [English]/Jesus loves me [Khmer]. One of the translators wanted the children to learn their local worship songs, so there was time for her to teach them another song in Khmer. There were also games and crafts that were related to each Bible lesson, like a recap for the children.
I helped during the worship section by teaching the children the actions to both songs and helped during games by showing how to play them, alongside with the children from the Singapore team.
My most memorable experience was when several of the children prayed to receive Christ, although the pastor still had to follow up with them, but we were there just to plant the seed and let God water and nurture the plant.
Through this trip, I felt that God was telling me that I am very fortunate, as most of the people in Cambodia are less fortunate, and do not get opportunities for education; most of them grow up on farms to make a living. We should treasure what we have, and not take things for granted.
I also learnt that when spreading the gospel, our role is not to persuade others to become Christians, but just to nudge them a bit, and let God do the rest. I am most thankful for the translators; without them, we would not have been able to communicate with the team in Cambodia, let alone the children.
Reflection on Siem Reap Mission Trip ~~ Hannah, 11
When my parents told me that our family was going on a mission trip to Skun, I felt so happy! I was excited to serve God and have a memorable time with everyone.
When we arrived at Skun village, I noticed that the pastor there was super friendly and welcoming. The kids in the village were really attentive and listened well to the leaders.Our team spent three days running a program for the kids about the seven days of creation from Genesis. I helped by demonstrating the games and making sure the kids were organized and seated in neat rows.
The most memorable part of the trip for me was definitely the kids. They were so friendly, and I even made friends with a few of the girls!
Through this trip, I felt that God was telling me how blessed I am and that I shouldn’t take things for granted.
I learned that people from Cambodia are very friendly and kind. I’m most thankful that everyone stayed safe throughout the entire trip.
If their sharing has encouraged your heart and you are interested to join us in blessing the villagers, we have good news for you! We are planning a Children’s Camp at Run Ta Ek in May 2025! Drop us an email (Janicetay23@hotmail.com) to indicate your interest and we would update you once details are confirmed.