Phnom Krom

Nov 2024: Our Inaugural Youth Camp!

On 15 and 16 Nov, our youths gathered for their first ever youth camp at the AOG church. 40 excited youths were from the different Youth Discipleship Groups in Peam, Skun, Kok Thmey and Phnom Krom came together as one to worship God and build each other up. The youths grew stronger in their faith and conviction of the good work that God is bringing about in and through them.

Deborah, a friend of Janice, shares her experience in leading an activity with the youths:

This would be my third trip to Siem Reap with Janice. This time, I was invited to facilitate activities with the LAV youth for their very first Youth Discipleship Group camp. Janice shared that the camp participants came from different villages and she wanted some bonding activities to get them to connect. The main camp committee also felt it would be good if there was space for the youth to share their hurts and struggles and to connect them to their faith.

I was tentative about what I could bring to the table. I can do fun and games anytime and I also had some ideas of using creative arts as a different medium for the youth to process and articulate their thoughts. However, as I’m not a believer, I wasn’t sure how to connect it to the Christian faith. I was also worried about how the youth would engage with the activities. I had some worries going into the YDG camp; I hoped that the planned activities would achieve the intended goals. 

In one of our activities, the camp participants created their ‘Bowl of Light’ and shared about the ‘stones’ (personal struggles and pains) that blocked their light. They also expressed how Jesus can be the light for them (which was symbolised by a little glow stick). During this activity, I saw tears, prayers, comfort, and connection. Witnessing the process reminded me of the phrase, “trust the process”. All my anxieties had gone away; the camp participants could connect with the activity and express their voice.  I also have to thank my new friend Sa, who interpreted wonderfully for me and created the magic of the story of the ‘Bowl of Light’ to the participants in Khmer. Rather than an interpreter, he really stepped up to be more of a co-facilitator with me to engage the participants. 

In this short 2 days and 1 night camp, I saw the camp participants having so much fun during the treasure hunt, campfire and games, and being reflective during their Bible lessons and devotion time. More importantly, connections were formed all around and it was heartwarming to see the camp participants affirming one another and sharing kind and encouraging words during our final closing activity.

I felt an emotionally interesting feeling of contentment with a tinge of sadness as we bade farewell to each other on the last day of camp. It was the same feeling I get every time I leave Siem Reap. To me, it meant, “Goodbye, see you again!”

By Deborah

Deborah had also prepared a short video showing the highlights of the camp. Pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to work in the hearts of the youths and bring the truth of the gospel through their lives and into the villages!

May this sharing bless your heart and may the blessings overflow to those around you this Christmas!

Nov 2024: Our Inaugural Youth Camp! Read More »

Nov 2024: Introducing Phnom Krom

Nestled in a floating village south-west of Siem Reap, a church bustling with voices of children can be heard. Phnom Krom Church is led by Pastor Nai, a 68 year-old lady with a heart for the children who worship God and attend the Sunday School. It is a small church consisting of 15 church members and 25 children.

The youths and children of Phnom Krom Church

However, Pastor Nai did not have enough helpers for children and youth ministry. She then requested from Pastor Chhay for helpers to lead the children and youths. Pastor Chhay sent Chantana and Hav Kouy to lead the Sunday School and Youth Discipleship Group (YDG). At that time, both Chantana and Hav Kuoy were going through their two-year theological course in the Korean Bible School and this was an opportunity for them to put their training into practice. In Aug 2024, they graduated from their course and are putting the lessons they had learnt to good use in their ministries.

It was a divine timing for Chantana as she had been praying to lead a discipleship group since growing in faith under Om Sipak’s discipleship through Food of Love and the Faithful Discipleship Group. LAV started supporting the YDG in Mar 2024. Currently, the 6 youths in her YDG have been growing in knowledge and understanding, and are thankful for the lessons they are learning through the Abundant Life series. 

“Before learning the material, they were afraid to pray, but after learning, they dared to pray even though they didn’t know how to pray but they tried. Also about their studying, the students said to their teacher that after learning about prayer, they follow what they have learned and God answered their prayers and they got good results in their study.”
– Chantana’s update to the LAV team

LAV is thankful to God for more opportunities for our Cambodian brothers and sisters to be a blessing. Please pray along with us that the leaders will remain faithful in their service to God, and the youths and children of Phnom Krom will rise up in their faith and bring the blessing of the gospel to Phnom Krom.

Nov 2024: Introducing Phnom Krom Read More »

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