Kok Thmey Sunday School

Kok Thmey Sunday School brings the gospel to the children and provides a space for them to worship and grow in their faith in God.

2023 February Updates

Updates from Sreisros

Dear Supporters

I am grateful for your love and kindness to Cambodian people. I am sure that God will bless you and your family as much as you have blessed us. You have been very supportive partners, and you have carried the love of God, and made it seen to everyone. Thank you so much. Before I update this month’s work, I would like to briefly tell you about my family. We are doing alright. My father is taking medicine regularly, my mother has been helping a lot at Kok Thmey church since my father fell ill. My children are doing well in school. I am thankful that God is watching over us.

English School

We are thankful we have a team that helped in checking the curriculum and came up with ideas for the Friday program. Our students are happy to learn new things, new lessons, especially our new students. Our students are not only keen to attend English School but also to go to Sunday School where they feel joy and peace. Below are a few things to update this month:

  1. Student attendance is 88% in total (above the average of 75%).
  2. Students can follow school curriculum and learning objectives.
  3. Teachers are working on a reporting book, homework tracking, and a writing exam. 

For the Friday program, after telling students about the love of God, I asked them if they would want Jesus to come into their lives and to have God’s love in their heart. They all raised their hands and started to follow my prayer. Praise God!

Peam Sunday School

The Sunday School is doing well. We have enough lesson plans, pictures, and teaching aids. However, when there are a lot of students, the teachers sometimes have difficulty controlling the class. Our students come from three different villages, and they have so much to tell each other. We have put the 5 to 12-year-old students into two classes, with assistant teachers helping in these classes. We have a teens’ class too. 

Kok Thmey Sunday School

Students come regularly for Sunday School and are absent only when they need to take care of the house and animals. Last Sunday, a girl shared that her parents were always fighting. So the teacher prayed with her that God will bring peace, love, and joy to her family. She said she wanted her parents to believe in God too. 

Some parts of the church that needed fixing are done while some are not yet done. Two sides of the toilet have been painted, with just the front yet to be painted.

Thanksgiving for:

  • God’s protection when travelling back and forth
  • God’s provision for 2023 work
  • Wonderful teamwork

Prayer Request:

  • Wisdom and strength 
  • God’s protection over families 
  • Second classroom building permission
  • Support for Pastor Bunnath at Kok Thmey Church
  • Money to fix the church

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2023 January Updates

Updated by: Sreisros

Dear Supporters

Happy Lunar New Year! How are you doing? I pray that you and I will see God doing something new this year, guiding us and showing us what we should do. I ask that God will bring more faithful men and women to work in His field and strengthen our love, faith, and hope in Him. I also pray for God’s blessings and protection for our families, our friends, and co-labourers wherever we may be – in Cambodia, Singapore, and other parts of the world. 

English School

I am happy that the school did well last year. Before we re-opened school on 2 January, there were several things teachers had to do:

  1. Repair gate and electrical wire
  2. Conduct class orientation at state school
  3. Invite parents of new students to come for a briefing

We started the school year with a “start-up” week for 40 new students. We now have six classes with 96 students in total. The Year 2 classes have been regrouped to better help the students. Better performing students were put together in the same class while weaker students needing more help were put into smaller-sized classes. With this regrouping, we hope to teach more effectively according to the pace the students can go at and how best the students learn.

This year will be challenging for the teachers as we will have to think about teaching strategies that will work for the weaker students to help them learn. 

Peam Sunday School

Every Sunday, we already have at least 70 – 80 students including our older students. There are still more students registering to join our Sunday School. We have started Sunday School classes. This month, the Sunday School lessons for the younger students were about God’s creation of heaven and earth from Genesis, John, and Psalms. The older students learned about how God cares for them. They learned that God loves them and they learned to thank God. Two older girls trained to be teacher assistants are helping us very well.

Kok Thmey Sunday School

I am happy that this year our supporters are able to help one more village – Kok Thmey Village. The Sunday School has 40 students. We use the same curriculum to teach them.  Besides Sunday School, we are repairing the toilet in the church. It is about 60% done. Thank God for everything.

Thanksgiving for:

  • God’s protection to and from school
  • My children’s good health
  • My daughter starting her English class
  • Wonderful teamwork

Prayer Request:

  • Wisdom and strength 
  • Building permission
  • Support for Pastor Bunnath at Kok Thmey church (Monthly support for 1 year)
  • Playground for children in Peam School grounds

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