Kok Thmey Sunday School

Kok Thmey Sunday School brings the gospel to the children and provides a space for them to worship and grow in their faith in God.

Feb 2025: Embracing Growth in Faith and Fellowship

Blessed Chinese New Year! To our beloved Chinese brothers and sisters, CNY is a time to celebrate the arrival of spring from which new growth begins. During our recent team meeting, we rejoiced when we heard inspiring stories of growth in faith and involvement. We give thanks to God for these blessings and pray that these testimonies encourage you in your own personal and corporate ministry.

Peam English School – A New Grade Opens!

We are excited to announce the opening of Grade 7 at our English School! We welcomed our first cohort of 16 eager students, with more expected to join. This milestone brings immense joy to our teachers, who are enthusiastic about building upon the strong foundations established in earlier grades. 

Our first cohort of Grade 7 students
A newly decorated classroom crafted by the children

Another thanksgiving was the providence of classroom furniture suitable for the teens. Many of them had outgrown the tables and chairs that saw them through Grade 3 to 6. We are grateful for the generous donation of classroom furniture from REECH Cambodia, providing suitable tables and chairs for our growing teens.

Peam Sunday School – New Sunday School teachers join to support more students!

This year, our Peam Sunday School is thrilled to register 100 students, welcoming children from Peam and neighboring villages of Kok Por and Kok Tnot. With the increased student population, the team was thankful for the addition of three new Sunday school teachers, Panha, Mesa and Marady, who will help nurture our students’ journey towards knowing God.

Our new Sunday School teachers: Panha, Mesa and Marady
The children are excited to start a new year in Sunday School

Peam Faithful Discipleship Group (FDG) –  Strengthening Leadership!

The FDG in Peam consists of the leaders in the various ministries, Dalen from Run Ta Ek, Sreyka and Sreysros from Peam, and Vatey and Saodern from Kok Thmey. The group meets weekly to seek God through the study and pray for the villages under their care. It is the start of a gathering to share experiences and provide support for each other in the Lord’s work.

The FDG’s first meeting of 2025

Peam and Kok Thmey Youth Discipleship Group (YDG) –  Welcoming the Second Generation!

The youths from both YDGs met together for 2025 to enable more interactions between the youths to build on each others’ faith. It was a great time of knowing each other and praying that 2025 would bring fruits to their faith. The first generation of youths from Peam and Kok Thmey also welcomed the second generation and it was a joyous occasion to see the youths earnestly seeking God and build up their understanding of Him.

The first generation getting to know the second generation

Kok Thmey Church – Welcoming the Youth!

The Kok Thmey Church recently witnessed an increase in attendance as youths joined the Sunday service, doubling the congregation from 15 to 30! Pharim, a youth member, shared her uplifting testimony about receiving her parents’ blessings to attend church and worship God freely, which encouraged our community to continue to pray for the children in the Sunday school and YDGs.

Can you spot the youths?
Pharim sharing her testimony to the church

Skun Church – A New Ministry for Fellowship and Outreach!

Recognizing a shared passion for soccer among all ages, Skun Church started a weekly soccer game to enhance community bonds between the church, YDGs and Sunday school. The members are praying that this initiative will foster connections and strengthen ties among the members while providing outreach opportunities to the community around them.

Skun adults, youth and children enjoying a game together

Run Ta Ek Church – A Growing Community!

Run Ta Ek celebrated nearly doubling its attendance, jumping from from an average of 25 worshippers in 2024 to 40 in January 2025. The fruits from the outreach efforts in 2024 were very evident with testimonies of God’s work being shared. One of the new worshippers was a husband who used to persecute his wife for attending the church in 2024.  Through the persistent prayer and outreach efforts, the husband is now worshipping God with his wife. All praise to God!

What a crowd of worshippers!
The husband attending church for the first time with his wife

Run Ta Ek YDG and FDG – The first generation in Run Ta Ek

Exciting times are ahead as seven youths form the first generation of YDG in Run Ta Ek, guided by Dalen, who has been instrumental in their spiritual development when they were in Sunday school.

The seven youths who stepped up for the first YDG in Run Ta Ek

Equally committed, 18 adults have formed two study groups led by Pastor Olyda and Sean. The latter group, though illiterate, is utilizing the Waha app to facilitate their Bible studies, demonstrating that faith can grow regardless of literacy levels.

Sean’s FDG
Pastor Olyda’s FDG

Pray with Us!

Pray for wisdom for members to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit leading as they grow in their faithfulness through their service in the ministries and live as an example for others to follow after. 

Pray that the youths will grow deeper in their relationship with God and they may rise up to serve and build each other up in their faith.

Peam English School:
As the teachers teach the new cohort of grade 7 students, pray for them to be able to guide the students in their learning and that all students from grade 3 to 7 will be open to learning and put their lessons into practice. 

Sunday Schools:
Keep the children in prayer that they may be able to continue attending Sunday School. Pray that their parents would be supportive of their faith and that their parents would also come to know and worship God deeply through the children.

Particularly for Kok Thmey Church, pray for an upcoming outreach to 8 families, of which 6 have already agreed to attend. Pray for the remaining 2 families to respond favourably and that the families will come to accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. 

Particularly for Skun Church, as the church congregation consists mostly of youths, pray that they will rise up to serve in various capacities from setting up the AV equipment to leading the soccer ministry as a means of outreach and fellowship. 

Food of Love:
Pray for Om Phallary and her team as they continue their work on the streets reaching out to people and bringing healing to their lives. 

May God continue to work in your lives as richly as He does in the lives of the Cambodians.



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Sep 2024: Abounding in Blessings

One thing LAV is always thankful for are the multitude of blessings God and His people have given to  the various ministries and villages LAV is supporting. Through those blessings, our people are able to abound in every good work to bless the villagers. 

Peam English School

The students have been regular in their attendance though a number of the grade 3 students are getting sick with the rise in the number of mosquitoes in the village. The school has completed preparations for the end of year examinations and the start of the 2024/2025 academic year. Pray for the students as they prepare for the exams. Pray also for the new intake of students in November – that the Lord will prepare the hearts of the new registrants and their parents for the gospel of salvation. The admission of more students would mean more opportunities to bring the gospel to the families and villages. 

Teaching the students how to resolve conflicts peacefully
Bible Story Time

One thanksgiving the teachers have is the blessings from Jenny, a staff from REECH Cambodia. Besides donating the school uniforms and study materials, she gave a new bicycle to one of the students to allow him to commute between school and home. 


Peam Sunday School

Peam is seeing an increase in attendance as the students become more involved in the church activities such as the upcoming Christmas skit. They have been enjoying and will continue to enjoy the rehearsals for two skits: Sin Chair and Jesus is Born. Through their rehearsals, they learn to work together and be patient with each other. 


Kok Thmey Sunday School

In Kok Thmey, there is much joy to share. Children are eager to attend bible study to learn about God. More teenagers are attending the teen worship service. Families are coming together to pray and worship at night. People are donating clothes and shoes to help the elderly. With more involvement, there is joy amidst the challenges. 


Teacher Srey Phorn shares her heart in this newsletter:

“I have learned a lot from students as I taught them about God. I learned to serve patiently and not discriminate against any child. I read more about the word of God, became stronger in faith and more courageous and happier. However, sometimes, I also face some challenges. I need more teachers to help me and I need more teaching resources.” 

Skun Sunday School

Children in Skun village have recently received playground equipment from various donors. Pray that the playground would be a place for the children to interact and that the faith of the little ones from Skun Sunday School will pass on to other children they play with. 

Run Ta Ek Sunday School

Run Ta Ek Sunday School has been growing in size. The children brought their friends to come and join, increasing the attendance from 20 in July to 29 in August. One of their prayer requests is for a proper fix to the broken fences and gates to keep the church safe. Another prayer request is for a successful outreach on 29 September. Pray that they may be able to bring more people to hear the gospel. 

Youth Discipleship Groups (YDG)

The YDGs are growing in their faith. Even with the exams coming in September, the YDGs are seeing the attendance stay regular. It encourages the YDG leaders to continue to build the faith of the youths. 

Five students in the Skun YDG declared their faith in Jesus and recently got baptised by the river. 

Even when the evil one places thoughts to cause fear, our youths are standing firm in the word and speaking out the truth against lies. Srey Neang from the Peam YDG shared her experience: 

“One Sunday morning, I was preparing myself to go to church for youth service. I heard a voice whisper at my ears saying, “don’t believe God, you will get hurt, you will have nothing, people will hate you.” At first, I thought it was my thoughts, but it whispered again. Then I realized that it was an evil spirit, so I said, “As long as I have breath, I will trust and believe in God.” Then the voice ceased.” 

What she shared in the group has helped other students to continue to pray and to stand strong in faith. 

Faithful men Discipleship Groups (FDG)

After going through two books of the Abundant Life, many of the disciples are knowing God better and their lives are displaying the fruits of the Spirit. Sreisros and Soadern’s groups have two disciples each who have indicated their desire to start their own FDG to build the faith of other disciples. Praise God!

download (1)

A new group was started by Hav Kouy, from the Food of Love FDGs. She was discipled by Om Phallery and she has stepped up to lead a group of 7 widows in their faith. She also recently graduated from the Bible School with Chantana on 27 August. 

At Skun, the FDG came together to prepare land for the playground. In a day, many hands gathered together to clear the soil so that there would be a flat piece of land for the children to play safely. 

Food of Love

As the ministry continues to distribute food packs, God has placed upon the hearts of the widows to pray for healing upon the villagers. As they share about God, they also pray for God to be their healer to remove their ailments. Many of the widows were encouraged by the prayers for healing and peace answered by God. 

Their prayer request is for the skies to be clear from rain so that they can continue to share the gospel as they bring food and healing to the villagers. 

May your heart be blessed by the stories shared. Continue to praise God for His mighty works in the lives of the people in Cambodia.

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Aug 2024: Transformed Lives Within and Without

We are thrilled to share the latest updates of lives being transformed by the Gospel. Your unwavering support and prayers have been instrumental in our journey, and we hope this update encourages you in your faith and support for the villages.

Peam English School

The teachers recently held a parents’ meeting with an impressive 90% attendance. Parents were overjoyed to see the progress their children were making in school. This strong turnout allowed the teachers to build positive relationships with the families, and we pray that this would bring opportunities to share the gospel to the parents.

As the teachers prepare for the new school year starting in November 2024, they request for your prayers. The team is diligently reviewing lesson plans and materials to ensure the students are able to understand and learn well both the English language and Christian values. Please pray for wisdom and guidance as they make these preparations.

Peam Sunday School

One of the Sunday School children, Sok Puey, shared a testimony that inspired her class and strengthened their faith in God who answers prayers. Sok Puey’s grandfather was seriously ill and required surgery for hernia. Despite the initial surgery revealing a blood clot that required a second operation, Sok Puey remained steadfast in prayer. 

After another checkup, the doctor found that the second surgery was no longer needed, and her grandfather was discharged with just medication! Praise be to God for His miraculous healing!

One prayer request from Peam is for the children who have been experiencing skin problems. The school is planning to educate the kids on proper hygiene and to provide medication to treat and clear the parasites from their skin. Your prayers for their healing and well-being are greatly appreciated.

Kok Thmey Sunday School

The church is currently undergoing renovation, and the children are worshipping under a tent in the meantime. This temporary setup has not dampened their spirits, and they look forward to the completion of the renovations.

One thanksgiving is the transformation of one of their students who previously disrupted Sunday School  lessons. He had undergone a remarkable transformation and is now a cherished helper in the school. This change has been a great encouragement to our teachers, reaffirming their dedication to guiding children towards transformed lives through Christ.

Another thanksgiving is for the recent purchase of Holy Communion elements, which will be used for the church Holy Communion services. This practice serves as a powerful reminder of Christ’s sacrifice and the redemption and sanctification of believers.

Skun Sunday School

In Skun, many of the children were unable to attend school due to objections from parents or because they were needed to help out on the farm or at home. Please pray that God will watch over these children, keep their faith strong, and soften their parents’ hearts to allow them to attend Sunday School. For the remaining children, the team is  thankful for the transformed lives of students who are now eager to serve each other in Sunday school.

Run Ta Ek Sunday School

God has touched the children to pray and worship boldly. Many have started to sing and pray out loud. Please pray that this outward display of their faith will continue to stem from the inward working of the Spirit in their lives.

Youth Discipleship Groups at Peam, Skun and Phnom Krom

The leaders were grateful for the youth revival camp, where youths from different churches and some non-believers attended a three-day camp. Thank God for the renewal of faith and the seeds of the gospel planted in the hearts of those who have yet to believe. 

The groups are also thankful for answered prayers, with students achieving good results in their studies and gaining wisdom to live their lives right before God. 

Please pray that they will grow more in their knowledge of who God is and that their love for Him will deepen. Pray also for the protection of their faith amidst persecution and attacks from the evil one.

Food of Love

From a recent outreach, the number of women attending the weekly bible study has grown from 15 to 26. Thank God that the message of the Gospel continues to spread and touch more lives.

We pray that this update has encouraged you in your prayers for the villagers. Whether through prayer, volunteering, or financial support, your involvement makes a difference. Thank you for being a part of our mission. May God bless you abundantly!

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April 2024 Updates – Youth Disciples @ Kok Thmey

Our youths are growing in maturity and faith as they continue to commit to studying the Word and knowing God through it. For three of these youths, their stories encourage the labourers in the field to continue the good work.

Hannah, Sophany and Srey Neang had been attending YDG in Kok Thmey since the start of 2024. They enjoyed learning about Jesus through the weekly activities and games.

For Hannah and Sophany, they continued to attend YDG despite having an exam to prepare for. They were thankful that God helped them through the exam, allowing them to remember all that they had learnt. Both had passed their exams and they praised God for being their strength.

For Srey Neang, she used to be shy and uncomfortable to pray out loud in front of the whole group. One day, she heard God calling her out to pray, and when the teacher asked for a volunteer, she stepped forward in faith to pray out to God on behalf of the group. She was thankful that God gave her the courage to pray boldly.

As the youths continue in their studies in YDG, pray that they will encounter God in their daily lives and be protected from the evil one as they live as salt and light in their village.

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Sept/Oct 2023 Updates

Dear Supporters

How are you and your family doing? How is the weather in your country? Recently, it has been raining a lot in Siem Reap, but I am grateful for everything because God provides  water for the farmers. My family and I are doing well. I have started my Bible class and everything is going well. I am encouraged by the words of God and happy to have the chance to meet other people who are serving the Lord in different places in Cambodia. 

English School

Our school is doing well. Teachers have tried their best to teach their students. 79% of students come regularly, but a few students have dropped out, mostly because of their family situation. This month, we encountered some problems because the state school had added an extra day of PE into the school timetable. Students had to miss one English class as a result. However, to enable students not to miss a lesson, I have rescheduled, temporarily, that affected students will study 1-2PM and 2-3PM every Monday.

I had a meeting with all school principals in Pouk District Department Hall. The meeting is about encouraging all schools to develop digital learning. The Deputy District Governor said that in the future, our country will need to be able to help students study at home, so digital learning will help a lot. However, he understands that in the village there is no Internet, so it will be still difficult for the school to do that. I wonder what then will the Ministry of Education do to help villages. 

I would like to share one student’s story. His name is Vichai – he is 10-year-old and in grade 3B. He shared with us that after learning that in Jesus Christ, there is no fear because God is faithful, he became much less fearful. He was afraid of ghosts, and has heard that when people die, they will become ghosts and will frighten the living. So, we told him to pray whenever he was afraid. He did, and he told us that he felt peace when he prayed. I pray that his faith will continue to grow.

Peam Sunday School

We have about 50 to 60 students coming for Sunday School every week, and quite a lot more when we have celebrations. This month, we taught students how to bravely testify of Jesus and to pray like Jesus. Students learnt why and how to pray and to tell others about God. However, they will need to experience God’s presence in their lives first before they can tell others about God. We also printed the Lord’s prayer and the ten commandments for them to remember. We heard some students talking to each other about wanting to share with their parents believing in Jesus and learning about God’s word. I pray that God will give these students courage to speak for Him and that these families will enjoy God’s peace and blessings.

 Kok Thmey Sunday School

Sunday School lessons were about God’s promises to Abraham. Students learn about the Promised Land and to trust God’s promises and take Abraham as an example. They are also starting to practise dancing for Christmas. They will also help teachers to make craft as the stage decoration. 

      Thanksgiving for: Prayer request:

  • Having a wonderful team – Safe travel back and forth
  • Discipleship class is going well – Our volunteer teachers to pass their exams
  • God’s protection over students – Financial support for Ps. Bunnath at Kok Thmey Church

Blessings !!


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August 2023 Updates – Kok Thmey Sunday School

By Sreisros

For Kok Thmey Sunday School, the children have been learning about healing in the family of God. The lessons were especially meaningful and touched the heart because many children have been sick, and they need healing from God. 

I would like to welcome our new teacher Srey Phuon. She is a church member, and now she wants to help in the Sunday School. She is a Grade 1 teacher in Peam public school. I am happy that God has sent her to work with us in this ministry.

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2023 July Updates

Dear Supporters,

I hope you and your family are doing well. My family and I are also doing fine. We gather together to pray for the sick, ministries, supporters, families, and churches. We thank God for always watching over us and giving us his grace. As we wait for His coming, we will do our best to serve Him and to have a good relationship with Him.


English School

It is a pleasure to share with you how the school is doing and how God works through the English school program. We planned, discussed, and prayed for everything to be done according to God’s will. 

This month, I have a few things to update:

  1. The mid-term exam is over, and 85% of students have passed the test. 5 students have dropped out because their parents had to move to another province to look for work. 
  2. We had a parent-teacher meeting. 65 parents attended the meeting. We talked about student attendance, and I gave all parents a questionnaire to fill out. I also gave them their children’s report book. Parents were happy to see their child’s progress.
  3. The Prime Minister election has just finished, and there will be a new Prime Minister. I am not sure if there will be new laws in the future.
  4. We are now planning for 2024 activities as we have a clear picture of what we will do for next year.  




Peam Sunday School

Thank God that Sunday School helps our students learn more about God. Our Sunday School provides not only spiritual teaching but also life lessons. For instance, we taught students about their rights and self-care as they enter their teenage years. As God loves us, he also wants us to take good care of our bodies as his living temple. 

Our assistant teachers will be taking a break for a couple of months because they need to focus on their studies to prepare for their diploma exams. Please pray for our teachers to pass every subject they take. 

For 2024, we want to focus on discipling a small group of students. We will select students that meet our criteria to help them grow stronger in their faith and then help in the Sunday School.




Kok Thmey Sunday School

I am at peace to see our church members, and also children, keep coming to church. I am also thankful for our pastor and teachers who are always faithful in carrying out their duties. I pray that what we are planning and doing will give us results that please and honour God. 



Thanksgiving for:

  • A wonderful team
  • Good discipleship class
  • Many students passed the exam
  • Chairs for our Kok Thmey Sunday School

Prayer request:

  • Safe travel back and forth
  • Financial support for pastor Bunnath at Kok Thmey church
  • Wisdom for students to learn
  • Our plans to be completed and to succeed according to God’s will



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2023 May Updates

Dear Supporters,

I trust you are doing fine with your family. I am truly grateful for your support in school and ministry. I am sure that our “investment” in God’s kingdom will reap fruitful results that glorify God and bring joy to our hearts. My family and I are doing well, except for my father who has been in pain for a week now. Please pray for my father.

English School

There was a long school break this year because of the SEA games in Cambodia. But our school started two weeks earlier than public schools because we wanted to follow our curriculum. However, not every student attended the class because they were in their hometown. We’ve learned that we should follow the public school semesters and not try to push ahead with our curriculum. We’ve had to revise our scheme of work. We’ve designed worksheets for homework and also printed out the exam paper.

I am blessed to have good teamwork, both with the operations team and teachers. Teacher Dalen, our new teacher, works hard and is willing to learn new things. She has the potential to be a good teacher. 

Peam Sunday School

Your prayers and donation are very important to us to bring the gospel throughout the village. This month, God has called one of the girls to be baptized. She accepted Jesus as her personal savior. We are pleased to baptize her in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We pray that many more young people will come to know Jesus as their savior and Lord.    

Incidentally, we have shifted Sunday School time from afternoon to morning for this period of time because of the hot weather change. Sunday School is presently from 8:40 to 11:00 AM .

Kok Thmey Sunday School

Your act of kindness has served the church and community for very good purposes. Our Sunday school program is doing fine – we’ve finished the story of Lazarus being brought back to life by Jesus. As we taught that lesson, we encouraged children to say thank to God for the life that God has given them. 

Thanksgiving for:

  • God’s protection over everyone when they travel to school
  • Having good teamwork
  • God’s mercy upon all children

Prayer Request:

  • Wisdom and strength 
  • Safe travel as students return from their hometown
  • Financial support for pastor Bunnath at Kok Thmey church
  • Pastor Bunnath’s health to get better
  • Safe travel for Singapore team visiting Siem Reap from 2 to 15 June

With gratitude,


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2023 April Updates

Dear Supporters,

Thank you for praying for us in Cambodia. I pray you and your family are doing well in Singapore. My family and I are doing well. We had a good time together during the Khmer New Year celebration. We visited some places in Siem Reap, and gathered with family, friends, and relatives for fellowship. Many Cambodians traveled to different provinces to visit or to catch up with their families. I thank God for protecting and strengthening us during the Khmer New Year break.

English School

We hope to see our students able to communicate with us in English. We pray that their relationship with God grows everyday. We finished some parts of Textbook 2 before the school holiday, so that everyone can rest and enjoy the break and return to school refreshed. 

Peam Sunday School

All our students had much fun celebrating the Khmer New Year. We worshiped, prayed, and played a lot of games, which included traditional games too. There were prizes for everyone, and students got to bring home some food. 

I would like to share one interesting and touching testimony from one of our older students. But before talking about her testimony, let me tell you what some people in her community believe in. They believe that if they can get their virgin daughters possessed by ghosts, they will get good health, wealth, and happiness in their family. So, they have a ghost possession ceremony where they call out many ghosts to get into their daughter’s naked body, and let her dance like crazy in the midst of people. 

Srey Ya, one of our students was forced to do a ghost dance. She cried after the ceremony – her parents have never cared about her and just wanted to get a lot of money. And, it seemed they did.

Another student, Rosa, 14 years old, accidentally overheard her parents discussing sending her to a ghost dance because they wanted to have money. She ran into her room, knelt down and prayed. She asked God to help her as she was afraid. God answered her prayer. Her parents changed their mind because they did not feel well, and so didn’t send her to a ghost dance. Rosa said: “God is real, he is listening to me.” She encouraged others to pray to God too.  

Kok Thmey Sunday School

We taught students in Kok Thmey village about Easter day. The whole church, and not just the children, also celebrated the Khmer New Year. We washed the feet of our elders, and they prayed for us young leaders. I thank God that he calls all of us his children, and he gives us opportunities to serve him. 

Thanksgiving for:

  • God’s protection during Khmer New Year
  • My daughter getting first place in her English class
  • A wonderful school holiday

Prayer Request:

  • Wisdom and strength 
  • Building permission
  • Safe journey for students travelling back from their hometown
  • Financial support for Pastor Bunnath at Kok Thmey Church.


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2023 March Updates

Updates from Sreisros

Dear Supporters

I trust you and your family are doing well. It is wonderful to share with you what God is doing in Cambodia. Thank you so much for coming alongside your support in the ministry. I hope that my letters encourage you when you hear how God has grown the ministry and how lives are being changed. I am thankful for how God has blessed the English School and the Sunday School, and my family too. We are doing well, especially my sister who just got engaged to a good Christian man last week. 

English School

Our school is very useful to the Peam community, and it is recognized by villagers, the village chief, and the commune chief. I believe we are slowly, but surely, building loving and strong people for God’s kingdom. As the Bible says “let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” 

Updates for this month:

  • Student Report Book to be approved by the board before printing
  • Discussion on tracking of homework is still ongoing
  • Written exam papers for all grades have been completed and awaiting approval from the board 
  • Trainee teacher to teach in grade 3 next month
  • School break of 3 weeks for Khmer New Year in April

Peam Sunday School

God is always with us – day by day, week by week. The seeds of God’s word are planted in people’s hearts, and eventually, these seeds will bear fruit, and I can’t wait to see the results of all the hard work everyone puts in. We have started collecting offerings again so children and youths can learn about giving to God. On one of the Sundays, we invited a child from the Sunday School to pray for everyone.

The youths are using a discipleship book with bible verses for their bible study. For the past few weeks, they are learning about the person of Jesus Christ (Jesus as God, and Jesus as human). After lessons, we pray and worship together.

A food pack distribution was carried out in Peam, with food packs going to 70 families. My mother shared the gospel and invited everyone to pray and repeat after her. My mother then went around and invited people to go to Kok Thmey Church, which is nearby. I hope to see some of them open up their hearts and go to church.

Kok Thmey Sunday School

Kok Thmey Sunday School has been doing well so far. Most children like doing crafts after lessons. There are two services in Kok Thmey Church – one for children and one for adults. I’m thankful that the needed repair works in the church have been completed. Everyone feels good to come to church to attend the service. I hope there will be more people coming to God.  

Food pack distribution was also carried out in Kok Thmey. The program and the sharing went well. We are waiting to see who will come to church after this distribution. Please pray for us!

Thanksgiving for:

  • God’s protection when travelling to school
  • Having wonderful teamwork
  • Teacher Dalen completing her 3-month probation
  • God’s provision in repair works in the church
  • Some English School students who prayed to God

Prayer Request:

  • Wisdom and strength 
  • Building permission
  • Financial support for Pastor Bunnath at Kok Thmey Church.


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