Author name: Zhiliang Lin

April 2024: Cambodian Mission Team Report from Hebron BP Church

Church members from Hebron BP Church went on a mission trip in March 2024 to Cambodia and visited the various ministries in Love-A-Village (LAV). Pastor Nathanael Tan shares his account of the experiences the team had.

The team from Hebron, with Janice Tay (carrying the orange bag) between Elder David and Pastor Nathanael.

Widows ministry at New Living Hope Centre (NLHC) 

Our first ministry stop was at NLHC where we joined the widows for worship and fellowship. The term ‘widow’ is used quite loosely in Cambodia and can mean a woman whose husband had died, or is a divorcee. Sister Deborah shared a testimony about leading family worship and I shared about my mother who faithfully witnessed to my father till he went home to the Lord. Both testimonies were well received. 

The widows enjoyed the butterfly craft session by Sister Christina and no-bake tarts session by Sister Grace. We also distributed shoes donated by a company in Singapore. It was also encouraging to witness the faithfulness of the Khmer sisters who oversaw this ministry.

Peam English School 

At Peam English School, LAV supports School Principal Sreisros and 2 teaching staff who conduct English enrichment classes. The English classes are held through the week and are well taught. They also conduct Christian values lessons weekly. Some students also attend the Sunday school regularly. Through the craft session, we interacted with about 20 primary 5 and 6 children and I shared a message on the fruit of the Spirit.

Worship with Run Ta Ek Church 

Run Ta Ek church serves the people relocated from areas near Angkor Wat. It is quite remote, and street signs haven’t been put up yet. Om Da had a burden for the people there and would hold a weekly service every Friday, on top of her weekend ministry in her home church. Elder David played the guitar and we presented the song “Jesus Strong and Kind” to the congregation. I preached on the prodigal son, and Pastor Vongsa who was visiting read scripture for me. I must admit that being from a Bible Presbyterian church, we were not used to the loud music, but we knew the worship came from hearts that were full of praise and reverence for God. At the end of the service, we distributed food packs sponsored by Hebron.


We were impressed by the passion and drive of Janice, who had devoted 8 years to God’s work in Siem Reap. She has also built up a good partnership with local churches, which provided resources and church volunteers to support the Sunday Schools for students and youth fellowships. 

I have also seen how Janice nurtured and trained the staff of LAV, empowering them to lead their ministries. At one meeting I attended, she challenged her staff and volunteers to plan for their first combined youth camp. She listened to feedback given, and was firm when needed. The result was that all involved owned the project, and were excited to carry it out. 

I felt that LAV balanced the meeting of felt needs (education, food packs) with meeting deeper spiritual needs (Bible study, fellowship). They ministered to the whole person, in a sustainable way through gospel partnerships with local and foreign churches. 

I was also encouraged by the sacrificial service of faithful servants of God like Pastor Bunnath, Om Da and Pastor Vongsa. Despite challenges like health and limited support, they continued to serve God and His people faithfully. It challenged me to remember Whom I was serving, and to be willing to serve sacrificially myself. 

We were all blessed by this trip and look forward to future projects with LAV.

If you are keen to partner us for mission trips, we are organising one in November. Email us at to let us know your interest.

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April 2024 Updates – Run Ta Ek Crusade

A large crowd of a thousand villagers from nearby towns and villages had gathered in Roun Ta Ek. This great gathering is for a crusade held by an American mission team who wanted to share about Jesus Christ and bring good news of salvation to all who were present.

People were worshipping God in one voice and were engaged with the message of the hope of Jesus Christ. There were people stepping forward to be prayed for and a few responded to the call to believe. After the crusade, 3 people joined the church services in Roun Ta Ek.

Pray that all who heard the message would begin to know Jesus with more clarity and certainty and would respond in faith when He touches their hearts. In their time of need, they would know who is the one who can protect and provide for them, and would shout out to Him for deliverance.

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April 2024 Updates – Youth Disciples @ Kok Thmey

Our youths are growing in maturity and faith as they continue to commit to studying the Word and knowing God through it. For three of these youths, their stories encourage the labourers in the field to continue the good work.

Hannah, Sophany and Srey Neang had been attending YDG in Kok Thmey since the start of 2024. They enjoyed learning about Jesus through the weekly activities and games.

For Hannah and Sophany, they continued to attend YDG despite having an exam to prepare for. They were thankful that God helped them through the exam, allowing them to remember all that they had learnt. Both had passed their exams and they praised God for being their strength.

For Srey Neang, she used to be shy and uncomfortable to pray out loud in front of the whole group. One day, she heard God calling her out to pray, and when the teacher asked for a volunteer, she stepped forward in faith to pray out to God on behalf of the group. She was thankful that God gave her the courage to pray boldly.

As the youths continue in their studies in YDG, pray that they will encounter God in their daily lives and be protected from the evil one as they live as salt and light in their village.

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Introducing Run Ta Ek

50 kilometers away from Kok Thmey is Run Ta Ek (pronounced as Roun Ta Ark), an eco-village set up by the Cambodian government. Many villagers have been relocated there to start a new life and a new community. This presents an opportunity for Love-A-Village to share the message of Christ’s love and reconciliation with God to a wider audience.

In Run Ta Ek, our dedicated brothers and sisters in Cambodia have been actively ministering to the villagers. About 24 children regularly participate in Sunday School, where they learn about God and His wondrous deeds under the guidance of three devoted teachers: Matha, Dalin, and Dalen. The teachers enjoy meeting the children to nurture their love for God and others.

A vibrant church has also been established there, led by Pastor Yin Olyda. The bright blue building stands out from the village and the community of 73 members are beacons that shine their light brightly for all in Run Ta Ek. The church welcomes all to worship and experience God’s love through the community.

It is our prayer that the Spirit will fall upon this village and immerse the people in the knowledge of Christ. Join us in prayer to support the labourers in the village.

Prayer pointers: 

For Pastor Yin Olyda, Teacher Matha, Teacher Dalin, and Teacher Dalen:

  • To be empowered by the Spirit as they teach the word.
  • For God’s protection to be upon them.
  • For wisdom to guide their ministry in alignment with God’s will.

For the Sunday School children:

  • To know God and feel His love.
  • To internalize the teachings and allow the seeds of faith to take firm root, shaping them to be Christ-like.

For the Church adults:

  • To experience God’s grace and power daily.
  • To exemplify faithfulness and honesty, shining as beacons for all to see.

For the village:

  • For the church to have favour in the eyes of the authority as they continue to minister to the villagers.
  • For opportunities to share and demonstrate the love of the gospel.

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Jan 2024 Updates

Dear Supporters

How are you doing? I hope you had a blessed and great year in 2023, and as the new year starts, I believe that God will grant more love, joy and prosperity in the year ahead for you and your family.  I am really thankful for you as we partner to work in the kingdom of God. May God’s steadfast love go to you  every morning and night. For me and my family, I am thankful that we had a good year. Even though we encountered some difficulties, we could find joy and peace in those situations. 

Joyous and happy occasions in 2023 included my sister’s wedding and my daughter’s baptism, and Love-A-Village family outing. I was also especially happy that Bay City Church provided me support for my bible study course.

English School

It’s been a blessed year spending time with our students, and seeing them grow both in learning English  and God’s word. 

We enrolled 48 new students this year, and met their parents to inform them that their children will be studying in a Christian school that shares God’s love and his salvation to every student. The parents understood and gave consent to their children attending the English School. 

We start 2024 with a total of 130 students. In the first week of school, we met with the Grade 5 and 6 students to make study plans. The students were also asked to share their experiences and self-reflection. Some of the students’ reflections and thoughts can be found at the end of this letter.

Peam Sunday School

We had a fun and joyful Christmas celebration together with our students and supporters. We were happy that LAV and Bay City Church sent teams to visit us in Siem Reap in November and December. I am thankful for your support for the Sunday School. I want you to know how much we love and appreciate you in our hearts. May the Lord Jesus bless you abundantly. This year, we will journey with our students to learn about Issac and his descendants, and how God protected and blessed them. 

Peam and Kok Thmey Youth Discipleship Groups (YDG)

I am very glad that we were able to form a YDG, one in Peam and another in Kok Thmey, to help the youths understand God’s word. We use the Bible and Abundant Life book for their study. We hope to see them grow in faith and worship God with a humble heart, and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Please keep them in your prayers!

Kok Thmey Church and Sunday School

The church is doing well. We are so grateful for God’s righteousness upon the church. Pastor Bunnath has health problems, but he has never given up on his ministry. Our students keep coming to church because they like singing praise, doing craft, and listening to God’s word. For Christmas, the students were able to perform traditional dancing, thanks to our teachers who helped and taught them patiently. 

Student self-reflection (translated from Khmer to English by Sreisros, unedited)

Hello! My name is Leakana. When I study English, I know a lot about English language. I feel happy and very glad that I get to know God through Friday program. I know Bible verses and songs that describe about the Lord Jesus . I have changed, now I believe God.

Hi, my name is Bopha! I progressed a lot when I come to study English. I can read and write some words. I am happy and respectful to God like my father. What I learned from Friday program is that I learned to love my friends and that how I know God.

Hello, my name is Hunleng. I am 12 years old. I progressed a lot in English class. I have become a better student and I am so happy every time I come to English school. I am happy to learn about God. Through Friday program, I can sing English songs, memorize bible verses, and learn English language. I have learned that bully others is bad thing,  so I changed it.

Hi, I am Kun Thea. When I come to English school, I progress a lot such as, can translate a little bit, can speak English a little bit and I love cleaning school. When I learned about God, I know God and I feel happy. Through Friday program, I know a lot of English God’s songs and I am happy every Friday. I learned to change my bad habit, not to hit others and don’t get lazy.

Hi, my name is Saraen. When I come to English class, I progressed a lot, I can read and understand English language. I feel glad and happy to learn more about God. Every Friday, I learn bible, sing songs to praise the Lord and his name. I changed some of my bad habits such as not to insult others, not saying bad words, and not to be biased.

Hello! My name is Vicheka. When I come to English school, I learn a lot. I learn to speak English and learn to listen. I feel very happy to learn about God. On Friday, I learn some lessons from bible, I also learn songs to praise the Lord. I have learned to change my bad habits; not to curse others and learned to love parents and friends. I can say the word I love you to my family with no fear or shame. I want to tell my parents that I love them so much.

Hello, my name is Pharim. When I come to study English, I have learned English a lot. I feel good about God. Through Friday program, I learn to sing God’s songs, I learn to pray to God and I learn to do crafts. I have change myself not to bully others, not to hit and not to gossip about others people.

Hi, my name is Cham Roeun. I know a lot when I come to English school, I learn to sing, learn Bible, learn to give offerings and learn to respect God. I feel happy because God created the world. I love God and respect him like other people do. He is the God of the world. Jesus is a good God. Without him, I will become a bad person, I really want to see him. I want him to stay near me forever. I want to give Jesus to everyone. I want to go to heaven with God and I want to pray to Jesus. I have learned to pray and learned to sing. I want to thank you teachers that taught me about all these things. I have learned to say sorry when I make mistakes. 

Hello! I am Navy. When I study English, I know a lot about English language. I have tried my best to get a good score and learn to be disciplined student. I feel very happy about God . I want to be with him and worship him. I love God and want him to keep his eyes on me. Through Friday, I learned to pray and worship God. I can feel that God is with me every single day. I love God and I will come to church every Sunday.

Hi, my name is Solika. I can read and write some words when I come to English class. I can write some sentences and can speak some phrases. I feel love God because he blesses my family. God always teaches a lot of good things . He makes me understand that even though I did mistakes, he is always forgiving me. Through Friday program, I learned to do a lot of good things and learned to worship him.

Hi, my name is Sayon. I know English when I come to English school. I learned to read, to write and to speak English. I also learned when someone did wrong to us, we should forgive them. I feel happy when I encounter with God. When I learn on Friday, I know bible verses and songs. Oh God! Help me to be healthy and change me from my bad behavior.

Hi, my name is Chanthy. I have learned a lot of English words and phrases and I feel that I can do it when I study in this English school. I feel that I love God when I heard that he love all children. When I come on Friday, I think that I respect Jesus and I pray to him. I have learned to forgive other people.

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Reflection on Our Mission Trip to Cambodia (16 – 21 Dec 2023)

by Grace, Mount Hebron Bible Presbyterian, Singapore

In the heart of Siem Reap, Cambodia, our Christian mission trip unfolded as a tapestry of love, compassion, and shared faith. Each day emerges as a chapter in a story of transformation—a narrative that not only touched the lives of those we encountered but left an indelible mark on our own hearts. It is with this conviction that I share our experience, hoping to inspire your support for further mission trips and, perhaps, encourage you to join in this life-altering adventure.

The first day set the tone for our mission as we ventured into two villages, each brimming with the anticipation of something special. In the morning, we engaged with the children of the first village, bringing laughter through games and activities such as tug of war and a Bible quiz that echoed with the timeless message of Christ’s love. We also gave out packs for the children to provide materials essential for their studies. Witnessing the joy in their eyes, we understood that these moments of connection were seeds planted in the fertile soil of their hearts. In the afternoon, the second village welcomed us into the heart of their church service. We joined in worship, not as distant observers but as fellow believers in a common faith. The shared experience of the service became a bridge that connected our souls, emphasizing the strength found in unity. Following the service, we extended our love through similar activities in the Sunday school for the children.

The second day began at the aquarium, not just as a recreational outing but as a deliberate effort to encourage and support the Sunday school volunteers. Small gestures of appreciation and thoughtful gifts became symbols of gratitude for their diligent efforts. It was a pleasure to know more about these local volunteers who also have a heart for God and are willing to serve him even though they face their own difficulties in the villages. Personally, I was able to have a conversation with one of the fellow volunteers who was of the same age. Knowing more about her life and her background made me marvel at how she was still able to serve God even with the conditions she grew up in, in comparison to the comfortable life that we live in Singapore.

On the third day, our team went to another village, while the fourth day led us to a church where widows gathered. The grateful smiles of the recipients reminded us that acts of kindness, no matter how modest, have the power to uplift and transform lives. We distributed food and clothing to families in need, the tangible expression of Christ’s love in the form of sustenance and warmth. We also planned games for the widows and seeing the pure joy on their faces brought warmth to our hearts.

Our journey in Siem Reap was not just a series of activities. The faces of the children, the gratitude of families, and the embrace of widows stand as living testimonials to the impact of our collective efforts. Not only were we able to serve God through providing support for others in Siem Reap, we also got to know other fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Supporting further mission trips is an investment in the continuation of this narrative of love and transformation. The call to join in is an invitation to become a part of something larger than ourselves—a movement that extends beyond borders, cultures, and backgrounds!

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Reflection on Our Mission Trip to Cambodia (2 – 7 Nov 2023)

by Sue, Bay City Church, Sydney

Cambodia’s first impressions hit with hot humidity, chaotic bikes & tuk tuks. On our first day, Pastor Andrew Harper motivated us with a speech and prayer while travelling to Peam Village. At the freshly painted English school, we were greeted by teachers Sreisros, Sreyka & Dalen teaching 20 students in a single classroom of shy but eager kids. 

Pam and Kathy led an English class and played pass the parcel game, leaving kids grinning from gifts plus ice-creams to cool them. With emotional hearts, we prayed over the teachers then enjoyed a delicious lunch at Sala Bai Hotel.

The next day, we visited Roun TaArk village, welcomed by Pastor Da outside the new blue building amidst barren land with unfinished structures, recently earthed vegetation. One can envision the potential holy fruitfulness here. We enjoyed an incredible spiritual worship which uplifted the people. Craig gave an inspiring testimony, and feelings of gratitude swept the room as we handed out clothing items.

Over lunch, Richard shared an encouraging testimony, whilst we were fed like kings and queens at a laden banquet amongst beautiful gardens. At night, we were treated to never ending delicious smorgasbords at the Amazon Restaurant whilst enjoying a visual variety night of traditional cultural storytelling dance.

On our third day, we visited Masel’s Saturday School at Leong Dai Village. Our longest drive followed by a short walk was greeted by echoes of excited kids. The children separated into different age groups for games and activities. We then performed an original song of worship to God. We ended the day finishing with kids in hysterics winning Tug O War. We then enjoyed a home cooked dinner feast to celebrate Mom’s birthday.

We worshipped at New Living Hope AOG Church on Sunday. Pastor Andrew preached to the congregation and I was honoured to sing The Blessing with Rob on guitar. We then had fellowship lunch with Pastor Chhay. We then returned to Peam Village for their Sunday School. Gina, Kathy and I performed another original created song of worship. The day closed with another Tug O War with the children winning with much laughter.

For our fifth day, we toured around and visited three incredible temples, including the Angkor Wat and Bayon with the funny and knowledgeable Mr Khemra. We ended with a dramatic comical storytelling night at Phare Circus.

On our last day, we went for a brief visit to KGM youth centre and back to Kok Thmey to distribute food packs. Francis shared an emotional testimony and we helped distribute packs of groceries. 

Although our journey was ending, this story is just beginning as members are already yearning to return and bring others to experience God’s work.

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Sept/Oct 2023 Updates

Dear Supporters

How are you and your family doing? How is the weather in your country? Recently, it has been raining a lot in Siem Reap, but I am grateful for everything because God provides  water for the farmers. My family and I are doing well. I have started my Bible class and everything is going well. I am encouraged by the words of God and happy to have the chance to meet other people who are serving the Lord in different places in Cambodia. 

English School

Our school is doing well. Teachers have tried their best to teach their students. 79% of students come regularly, but a few students have dropped out, mostly because of their family situation. This month, we encountered some problems because the state school had added an extra day of PE into the school timetable. Students had to miss one English class as a result. However, to enable students not to miss a lesson, I have rescheduled, temporarily, that affected students will study 1-2PM and 2-3PM every Monday.

I had a meeting with all school principals in Pouk District Department Hall. The meeting is about encouraging all schools to develop digital learning. The Deputy District Governor said that in the future, our country will need to be able to help students study at home, so digital learning will help a lot. However, he understands that in the village there is no Internet, so it will be still difficult for the school to do that. I wonder what then will the Ministry of Education do to help villages. 

I would like to share one student’s story. His name is Vichai – he is 10-year-old and in grade 3B. He shared with us that after learning that in Jesus Christ, there is no fear because God is faithful, he became much less fearful. He was afraid of ghosts, and has heard that when people die, they will become ghosts and will frighten the living. So, we told him to pray whenever he was afraid. He did, and he told us that he felt peace when he prayed. I pray that his faith will continue to grow.

Peam Sunday School

We have about 50 to 60 students coming for Sunday School every week, and quite a lot more when we have celebrations. This month, we taught students how to bravely testify of Jesus and to pray like Jesus. Students learnt why and how to pray and to tell others about God. However, they will need to experience God’s presence in their lives first before they can tell others about God. We also printed the Lord’s prayer and the ten commandments for them to remember. We heard some students talking to each other about wanting to share with their parents believing in Jesus and learning about God’s word. I pray that God will give these students courage to speak for Him and that these families will enjoy God’s peace and blessings.

 Kok Thmey Sunday School

Sunday School lessons were about God’s promises to Abraham. Students learn about the Promised Land and to trust God’s promises and take Abraham as an example. They are also starting to practise dancing for Christmas. They will also help teachers to make craft as the stage decoration. 

      Thanksgiving for: Prayer request:

  • Having a wonderful team – Safe travel back and forth
  • Discipleship class is going well – Our volunteer teachers to pass their exams
  • God’s protection over students – Financial support for Ps. Bunnath at Kok Thmey Church

Blessings !!


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August 2023 Updates – Kok Thmey Sunday School

By Sreisros

For Kok Thmey Sunday School, the children have been learning about healing in the family of God. The lessons were especially meaningful and touched the heart because many children have been sick, and they need healing from God. 

I would like to welcome our new teacher Srey Phuon. She is a church member, and now she wants to help in the Sunday School. She is a Grade 1 teacher in Peam public school. I am happy that God has sent her to work with us in this ministry.

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August 2023 Updates – Thanksgivings from Sreisros

By Sreisros

I hope  you and your family are doing well. I’m grateful for your support in the Siem Reap ministry. With your prayers and giving, we can continue what we are doing in order to see people get saved by Jesus. I believe when we do our best, God will multiply  the results. His time is near, so we do what we can to be the light and salt to people around us. Also, I am thankful that God takes good care of my whole family and my children, and I would like to share my daughter’s letter to you.

Dear Love A Village,

Thank you for helping me by sponsoring a scholarship for my studies. I really appreciate it. I have been doing well in my English class , and got 2nd place in speaking and 1st place in writing exam. If it wasn’t for the  scholarship, I would never get better in English. I have been praying to get into a good English school. I also have been praying to get better in English. And now, my prayers have come true. So, I’m very thankful for God and for LAV for sponsoring me. I really do appreciate it.


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