Sep 2024: Abounding in Blessings

One thing LAV is always thankful for are the multitude of blessings God and His people have given to  the various ministries and villages LAV is supporting. Through those blessings, our people are able to abound in every good work to bless the villagers. 

Peam English School

The students have been regular in their attendance though a number of the grade 3 students are getting sick with the rise in the number of mosquitoes in the village. The school has completed preparations for the end of year examinations and the start of the 2024/2025 academic year. Pray for the students as they prepare for the exams. Pray also for the new intake of students in November – that the Lord will prepare the hearts of the new registrants and their parents for the gospel of salvation. The admission of more students would mean more opportunities to bring the gospel to the families and villages. 

Teaching the students how to resolve conflicts peacefully
Bible Story Time

One thanksgiving the teachers have is the blessings from Jenny, a staff from REECH Cambodia. Besides donating the school uniforms and study materials, she gave a new bicycle to one of the students to allow him to commute between school and home. 


Peam Sunday School

Peam is seeing an increase in attendance as the students become more involved in the church activities such as the upcoming Christmas skit. They have been enjoying and will continue to enjoy the rehearsals for two skits: Sin Chair and Jesus is Born. Through their rehearsals, they learn to work together and be patient with each other. 


Kok Thmey Sunday School

In Kok Thmey, there is much joy to share. Children are eager to attend bible study to learn about God. More teenagers are attending the teen worship service. Families are coming together to pray and worship at night. People are donating clothes and shoes to help the elderly. With more involvement, there is joy amidst the challenges. 


Teacher Srey Phorn shares her heart in this newsletter:

“I have learned a lot from students as I taught them about God. I learned to serve patiently and not discriminate against any child. I read more about the word of God, became stronger in faith and more courageous and happier. However, sometimes, I also face some challenges. I need more teachers to help me and I need more teaching resources.” 

Skun Sunday School

Children in Skun village have recently received playground equipment from various donors. Pray that the playground would be a place for the children to interact and that the faith of the little ones from Skun Sunday School will pass on to other children they play with. 

Run Ta Ek Sunday School

Run Ta Ek Sunday School has been growing in size. The children brought their friends to come and join, increasing the attendance from 20 in July to 29 in August. One of their prayer requests is for a proper fix to the broken fences and gates to keep the church safe. Another prayer request is for a successful outreach on 29 September. Pray that they may be able to bring more people to hear the gospel. 

Youth Discipleship Groups (YDG)

The YDGs are growing in their faith. Even with the exams coming in September, the YDGs are seeing the attendance stay regular. It encourages the YDG leaders to continue to build the faith of the youths. 

Five students in the Skun YDG declared their faith in Jesus and recently got baptised by the river. 

Even when the evil one places thoughts to cause fear, our youths are standing firm in the word and speaking out the truth against lies. Srey Neang from the Peam YDG shared her experience: 

“One Sunday morning, I was preparing myself to go to church for youth service. I heard a voice whisper at my ears saying, “don’t believe God, you will get hurt, you will have nothing, people will hate you.” At first, I thought it was my thoughts, but it whispered again. Then I realized that it was an evil spirit, so I said, “As long as I have breath, I will trust and believe in God.” Then the voice ceased.” 

What she shared in the group has helped other students to continue to pray and to stand strong in faith. 

Faithful men Discipleship Groups (FDG)

After going through two books of the Abundant Life, many of the disciples are knowing God better and their lives are displaying the fruits of the Spirit. Sreisros and Soadern’s groups have two disciples each who have indicated their desire to start their own FDG to build the faith of other disciples. Praise God!

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A new group was started by Hav Kouy, from the Food of Love FDGs. She was discipled by Om Phallery and she has stepped up to lead a group of 7 widows in their faith. She also recently graduated from the Bible School with Chantana on 27 August. 

At Skun, the FDG came together to prepare land for the playground. In a day, many hands gathered together to clear the soil so that there would be a flat piece of land for the children to play safely. 

Food of Love

As the ministry continues to distribute food packs, God has placed upon the hearts of the widows to pray for healing upon the villagers. As they share about God, they also pray for God to be their healer to remove their ailments. Many of the widows were encouraged by the prayers for healing and peace answered by God. 

Their prayer request is for the skies to be clear from rain so that they can continue to share the gospel as they bring food and healing to the villagers. 

May your heart be blessed by the stories shared. Continue to praise God for His mighty works in the lives of the people in Cambodia.

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