April 2024 Updates – Youth Disciples @ Kok Thmey

Our youths are growing in maturity and faith as they continue to commit to studying the Word and knowing God through it. For three of these youths, their stories encourage the labourers in the field to continue the good work.

Hannah, Sophany and Srey Neang had been attending YDG in Kok Thmey since the start of 2024. They enjoyed learning about Jesus through the weekly activities and games.

For Hannah and Sophany, they continued to attend YDG despite having an exam to prepare for. They were thankful that God helped them through the exam, allowing them to remember all that they had learnt. Both had passed their exams and they praised God for being their strength.

For Srey Neang, she used to be shy and uncomfortable to pray out loud in front of the whole group. One day, she heard God calling her out to pray, and when the teacher asked for a volunteer, she stepped forward in faith to pray out to God on behalf of the group. She was thankful that God gave her the courage to pray boldly.

As the youths continue in their studies in YDG, pray that they will encounter God in their daily lives and be protected from the evil one as they live as salt and light in their village.

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