April 2024 Updates – Run Ta Ek Crusade

A large crowd of a thousand villagers from nearby towns and villages had gathered in Roun Ta Ek. This great gathering is for a crusade held by an American mission team who wanted to share about Jesus Christ and bring good news of salvation to all who were present.

People were worshipping God in one voice and were engaged with the message of the hope of Jesus Christ. There were people stepping forward to be prayed for and a few responded to the call to believe. After the crusade, 3 people joined the church services in Roun Ta Ek.

Pray that all who heard the message would begin to know Jesus with more clarity and certainty and would respond in faith when He touches their hearts. In their time of need, they would know who is the one who can protect and provide for them, and would shout out to Him for deliverance.

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