We met Mr Sony from Bible Society Cambodia to find out more about their Khmer Literacy programme. We want to explore the possibility of using this programme to share the gospel.
Day 2: Visit to Lovea Primary School and Peam Primary School
The kindergarten children in Lovea Primary School are getting ready for dismissal. They line up in twos and recite what they have learnt in school, and they do so in a sing-song manner.A group of Grade 4 students at Peam Primary School crowded around Sreisros, their English teacher. This shows how much she is liked by the students!
Day 3: Visit to Thansure School and Baray Village
We had a discussion with Teacher Yoo, the principal of Thansure School, about her school. She has purchased a new piece of land for the school and is currently raising funds for it. We are awed by her strong faith in God.Samuel, dressed in orange, had an outreach at Baray Village to 10 high school students. Janice shared the gospel with them and encouraged them to believe in Jesus.
Day 4: Visit to Pastor Villa
We visited Pastor Villa (dressed in blue shirt) at his home in Skun Village. He pastors a church of around 20 adults and does outreach to 10 village homes in the villages around his church. Although he is only 28 years old, he has committed his life to serving God and has chosen the path least travelled for young men like himself – a life in village ministry instead of in the city.
Day 5: Visit to New Living Hope Center
Pearl, Janice and Michael relaxing outside New Living Hope Center, before meeting with Pastor Chhay. There are 3 generations in this photo. Thanks be to God that we can serve Him together and enable Love-A-Village’s ministry to continue in the long term with leadership renewal.
Day 6: Visit to Light of the Nations Church and Lovea’s Sunday School
We attended Sunday worship at Light of the Nations Church. The worship was led by youths who were full of energy and enthusiastically singing praises to God. Some youths took turns to read scripture and pray. May these youths continue to grow in wisdom, knowledge and stature. It was our first time visiting Lovea’s Sunday School ministry. 27 children attended today’s session. Two youths from New Living Hope Center led them in worship, bible study and music fundamentals. In the foreground, the students read the story about the 10 plagues God sent before the Pharaoh let the Israelites go. In the background, the students learnt A minor chord on the guitar and do-re-mis.
Day 7: Siem Reap International Airport
Siem Reap International Airport was empty! The COVID-19 has taken a toll on tourism – fewer tourists mean many businesses in Siem Reap are suffering. Please pray for the Cambodians during this economic downturn.