Back to Where It All Started

7 years ago, Eugene and Li Ting got to know each other while on a community service-learning project organized by their school. They started dating after the trip and have stayed together since.

In July 2019, Eugene found Love A Village online by googling Lovea Village (surprising right! I never thought our website would be effective in reaching out to the general public!). He contacted me through WhatsApp, we met up and came together to plan for the proposal.

Take a look at the photos below which tell the complete story!

Eugene sourced all the decorations from Singapore. He kept it simple so it would be easy for Mr Vichea and myself to set it up.
We got 80 students from the school to welcome the couple and join the festivities. One of the students was a boy who Li Ting remembered from 7 years back!
After Li Ting said “yes”, the couple cut a cake and shared it with the students and teachers of Lovea Primary School. Interesting fact: This kitchen was built by Eugene and Li Ting 7 years ago!
Back to the old school way of driving off in style! Eugene and Li Ting boarded the motorized ox cart as they left the school engaged!
The students sending them off!
Both Eugene and Li Ting have a big heart and wanted to give back to the school. Along with the proposal, Eugene also asked if they could contribute anything. The school requested for the old toilets to be repaired, thus, Eugene and Li Ting sponsored a new roof, doors and a fresh coat of paint! A big thank you from Lovea Primary School!
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