3-7 Sep 2022 Trip Reflections

Reflections by Kee Eng

On 5 September, our morning drive to Peam Village took us 45 mins on a paved road with a short 10-min bumpy ride. We arrived at Peam Village Foundation around 9.30 am to observe the English lessons. We were met by the English School principal, Ms Sreysros, and Ms Sreyka who teaches the Grade 3 students.

The English School presently offers English enrichment lessons for Grade 3 and 4 students (16 students per class for each morning and afternoon session, Monday to Friday).

We went to observe lessons in the English School. The morning session had 12 Grade 3 students in attendance.

While waiting for lunch, our team prepared balloons and distributed them to government primary school children next door after their morning session. What joy to see the kids’ faces light up and their posture of thanksgiving.

After lunch, we observed an English class session with 14 students in attendance.

In both English School’s sessions, we handed each student a toothbrush. Proud moment of the day –  young Timothy,  went on stage to present a lesson on dental brushing with his parents, helping with the props.

I was pleasantly surprised to see some students coming in early on their bicycles to play games and have fun at the compound. The school hall is well equipped for both the teacher and students as a place of learning. I can sense the joy in the kids as they were very eager to learn and participate in classroom activities.

Reflections by Shuting

On 6 September, we visited Thansure School which is currently supported by Christians in Korea. This school currently has more than 200 students from K1 to Grade 8. This large school is managed by a Korean ‘Lady of Faith’, Ms Yoo, who continually prays for better conditions and environment for her students. She shared her prayers to build a cement road and her prayers were finally answered as the government finally did that after 13 years. The students are always thankful for help and support from visitors to the school, and never forget to count their blessings. Each of us was given a nicely wrapped present with handwritten thank-you messages.

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